目前分類:我的精神糧食 (42)

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《燦爛千陽》 (A Thousand Splendid Suns)

作者:卡勒德.胡賽尼(Khaled Hosseini)

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The Fox and the Child


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Zoo Negara(國家動物園)

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For those who likes clinique's products,
here's some freebies for u:


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「妻子的空位」韓國一位單親爸爸的心聲 ~

摘自台北真理堂於2008母親節之 "主日證道信息"

我的妻子因為意外事故離開我身邊已經四年了,我想,妻子留下不會做任何家事的我和孩子,她的心有何等難過呢?我也因為無法兼顧父母雙親的角色而感到挫折。有一天我為了出差,清晨趕出門,無法將孩子打點好就得離開家,正巧前一天有剩下的飯,我熱了蒸蛋,向還沒有睡醒的孩子交代一聲,就出門去了。 為了照顧好孩子飲食三餐的事,我也無力把自己的工作做好。

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馬來西亞的國慶日廣告by Yasmin Ahmad。

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Found a super interesting wesbite from 料飽包's blog--Lookybook

I love children books, but children books are very expensive.
Maybe this can be another way for parents to save money,
and in the same time to let children read books?

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  • Oct 19 Thu 2006 10:49
  • 虎子


在这里分享我爱的虎子的文章,她今天的 “薰衣草園之約” , 虎子的旧文章等我找到了再po上来。

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前天和sun在msn聊一聊,聊起了她的工作内容,讓我好仰慕,眼睛也亮了起來,我其實對architectual也蠻有興趣的,因爲我知道有許多multimedia designer 和graphic designer都有嘗試把建築學的元素加入設計中,不過我常常也只有遠觀的份兒,因爲缺乏這方面的知識,後來談起我近來有點點自信心流失的狀況,sun立即寄了封信給我,說一定會讓我得到一點鼓勵。。謝謝你~這封信寫的真的很好,我會從新站起來再加加油的。就是這封信,和大家共勉之~~

Hello everybody!

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1、犬瘟熱(Cnine Distemper;CD)

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From her first millinery shop, opened in 1912, to the 1920s, Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel rose to become one of the premier fashion designers in Paris, France. Replacing the corset with comfort and casual elegance, her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses, women's trousers, costume jewelry, perfume and textiles.

She claimed a birthdate of 1893 and a birthplace of Auvergne; she was actually born in 1883 in Saumur - her mother worked in the poorhouse where Gabrielle was born, and died when Gabrielle was only six, leaving her father with five children whom he promptly abandoned to the care of relatives.

She adopted the name Coco during a brief career as a cafe and concert singers 1905-1908. First a mistress of a wealthy military officer then of an English industrialist, she drew on the resources of these patrons in setting up a millinery shop in Paris in 1910, expanding to Deauville and Biarritz. The two men also helped her find customers among women of society, and her simple hats became popular.

Soon she was expanding to couture, working in jersey, a first in the French fashion world.  By the 1920s, her fashion house had expanded considerably, and her chemise set a fashion trend with its "little boy" look.  Her relaxed fashions, short skirts, and casual look were in sharp contrast to the corset fashions popular in the previous decades. Chanel herself dressed in mannish clothes, and adapted these more comfortable fashions which other women also found liberating.

In 1922 Chanel introduced a perfume, Chanel No. 5, which became and remained popular, and remains a profitable product of Chanel's company. Pierre Wertheimer became her partner in the perfume business in 1924, and perhaps also her lover.  Wertheimer owned 70% of the company; Coco Chanel received 10% and her friend Bader 20%. The Wertheimers continue to control the perfume company today.

Coco Chanel introduced her signature cardigan jacket in 1925 and signature "little black dress" in 1926. Most of her fashions had a staying power, and didn't change much from year to year -- or even generation to generation. 

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Candy 自習作業1:

Taken from Designer community 

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【巨蟹座】永远活在壳里的胆小鬼 (我)

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