說:“這首歌是我的知音兼好友benz介紹的,當初不是很喜歡Simply Red,因爲他長得很奇怪,請原諒我這個以貌取人的混蛋,當benz介紹這首歌給我時,我頓時想向Simply Red磕頭道歉。。。這首歌太棒了。。。音樂輕輕的,像在輕輕地唱著一首情歌~~讓我不禁幻想一邊喝紅酒一邊輕輕地隨著音樂跳舞~~感覺迷迷蒙蒙的~很舒服~~有沒有人可以告訴我這首歌是屬於什麽類型的音樂呢?”
So Beautiful
I was listening to this conversation
Noticing my daydream stimulated me more
I was crumbling with anticipation
You'd better send me home before I tumble down to the floor
You're so beautiful but oh so boring
I'm wondering what am I doing here
So beautiful but oh so boring, I'm wondering
If anyone out there really cares
About the curlers in your hair
My little golden baby, where have all your birds flown now?
Something's glistening in my imagination
Motorvatin' something close to breaking the law
Wait a mo' before you take me down to the station
I've never known a one who'd make me suicidal before
She was so beautiful but oh so boring
I'm wondering what was I doing there
So beautiful but oh so boring, I'm wondering
If anyone out there really cares
About the colour of your hair
My little golden baby, where have all your birds flown now?