3 months old JackJack in Pupsik Studio Baby Pouch @ a short trip to Taiping
Photo taken by Jill
I've been eyeing on pupsik baby pouch since 4 years ago when my first son Sean is born,
I love their stylish design,
love how fashionable the mommy looks like when they carry their child in the pouch.
But then since my brother've already got me a baby sling, I decided not to spend on the baby pouch first.
Eventhough I have a baby sling, but I always met problems to sling Baby Sean,
the cloth always get stucked on the ring part, and so, after tried it on for not more than 5 times,
my baby sling has been sent to the closet to "hibernate" until my second son JackJack is born.
Me and my hubby doesn't like to use stroller when we go for an outing or vacation,
and so after JackJack is born,
I told myself this time I'm going to get a Pupsik Studio Baby Pouch no matter what!
Finally I get my baby pouch from Littlewhiz.com.
I'm quite clumsy for the first time when I'm practicing to carry JackJack,
he doesn't snug like a bug but struggling all over and cry out loud~this really scares me!
But my kakak likes to use the pouch, she said it's just the right size for her!
After I read the instruction booklet and watch the video on pupsik's website again,
I found that I've miss the step of "folding the pouch into half",
after I've adjusted my steps, finally I've made it to carry JackJack in the pouch,
It makes me feel so touching, yes! FINALLY!
After Sean saw me and kakak carry JackJack in pouch,
4 years old Sean asked to carry him in pouch too~
Chubby JackJack,
photo taken by Jill