前天和sun在msn聊一聊,聊起了她的工作内容,讓我好仰慕,眼睛也亮了起來,我其實對architectual也蠻有興趣的,因爲我知道有許多multimedia designer 和graphic designer都有嘗試把建築學的元素加入設計中,不過我常常也只有遠觀的份兒,因爲缺乏這方面的知識,後來談起我近來有點點自信心流失的狀況,sun立即寄了封信給我,說一定會讓我得到一點鼓勵。。謝謝你~這封信寫的真的很好,我會從新站起來再加加油的。就是這封信,和大家共勉之~~
Hello everybody!
Yes, long time no write. It has been an extremely busy and exciting past few months for me. I have been working very hard but have also managed to get some time to relax as well. I was able to take a break and go to Japan and do one of my favorite sports, snowboarding! I have snowboarded since I was sixteen years old and have tried to go at least once a year, even while living in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, I was not able to go last year because of my knee injury but this time my knee was fine. A little sore, but no pain and I had lots of fun.
I want to say thank you to everyone wishing me well for the Hong Kong Film Awards and also thanks to everyone who offered me support even though I did not win this time. I am OK and I am not upset. Of course it would have been nice to win but I am just happy that I was nominated with so many other great actors. Life is a struggle and things do not always go your way but that is what I enjoy about life. The most important thing is to never give up. You must fight for what you want! When I was young I used my all my blood, sweat and tears while practicing Kung Fu. I would repeat things over and over and over until I got it right. It was so hard and difficult but I would not let myself give up because I knew if I worked hard and put my heart into it I would succeed. When I studied architecture it was the same, I put so much time and effort into my projects. Sometimes I would not sleep for two or three days but I was putting my heart and soul into it and that was what kept me going. All that struggling enriched my life and made me what I am today.
It's not important to be "number 1" or "the best" for others but it is very important to be the best for yourself. I know I did the best for myself. You should all remember that when I first came to Hong Kong, I did not know how to speak Cantonese, I did not know how to act, I did not know anybody in the movie business, I was alone here. It has been a long and difficult struggle but I have enjoyed every minute of it! I have learned the language, I have made many good friends, I have learned to act and don't forget… I won the Golden Horse! Yes, maybe I will have a chance to win next time. I still have many years of opportunities ahead of me so I am not worried because I know in my heart to keep on fighting.
OK, I must get some sleep. I am leaving tomorrow for Shanghai to finish shooting "Chang Hen Ge". I am excited to back to work on this project because I think this film will be really special. Stanly Kwan is one of the great Hong Kong directors of this era.
Take Care!
p.s. I am aware that some people have set up websites claiming to be me so I wanted to remind you that this is the ONLY official site from me.
- Feb 05 Sun 2006 15:28